Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Social Security on Chopping block Gibson's Office Drop by August 2,2011

Kinderhook Gibson’s Office Protest Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Pictured here is a gathering of protestors at noon on Tuesday August 2, 2011. Addressing the gathering is Shirley Ripullone head of Columbia County MoveOn.org Council. She addresses the confidence crisis and fear for Social Security. As can be seen by the signs, the main concern is the effect of the GOP assault upon Social Security. It was pointed out by one speaker that the Register Star reported over the weekend that the Hudson Social Security Office is reducing its hours because of prior budget cuts. Everyone is concerned with what happens next and expressed concern with Congressman Gibson following the GOtP leadership.

Reference was made to the editorial alarm entitled Off the brink but still on edge in the Albany Times Union; it said, in part:

Off the brink but still on edge

Relax a little, America, we’re not going over the cliff, and taking the world with us. But how much can a nation relax when a congress that almost let a radical fringe nearly wreck the economy all over again will still be on the job for another 17 months. That’s plenty of time for the tea party wing of the Republican Party to try to turn what is still the world’s richest nation into a deadbeat country that holds its poor , its sick, its elderly and even its middle and working classes- everyone who is struggling it seems – in contempt.

This editorial together with another one in the same page refers to the followers of Russ Limbaugh as not caring about saving the country, or reference to averting disaster with the debt ceiling,… it was all about Limbaugh’s stated “ I hope he fails”.

If you have not read today’s Times Union, I suggest you read these editorials in full which can be accessed on line at:


Statements and names of participant were given to the cordial staff of Mr. Gibson.

Doug McGivney

E-Mail: dmcgivney@nycap.rr.com

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