Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Gibson Spin - Register Star

Today’s Register Star coverage of the Kinderhook Gibson Office "Drop By".
The following above the fold front page photo was the Register Star’s depiction of the peaceful and civil “drop by” attended by people from Dutchess, Greene and Columbia Counties.
A neighbor on her way to the post office, Diane Welton entered the fray with the assertion that her research indicated that the Obama administration had hidden away in it health care bill secret provisions for an army to serve at the presidents discretion….
The front page article today’s Register Star is a prime example of successful spin by Congressman Gibson.  The article is just beneath the photo of the lone Tea Party person who loudly interrupted the civil and peaceful proceeding.  The article then prints Congressman Gibson’s spin on the protests throughout the district.  Only the photographer attended the gathering.  There was no reporting upon the issues raised by the various speakers.
All participants were invited to speak from a podium and many of the over 40 people did.  The lone Tea Partier just shouted inanities from the middle of the crowd.  The issues were:
1.      Where are the jobs?
2.      Extend the Debt limit
3.      Save Social Security
4.      Save Medicare
5.      Save Medicaid
Many signs repeated these often stated issues. The peaceful nature of the protest is shown here with people patiently waiting to be heard at the make shift podium.  The only lack of civility was the yelling by the Gibson Tea Party supporter.
Mr. Gibson’s purported responses are reported in the Register Star, even though Mr. Gibson was in Washington. Those reported responses were:
1.       Jobs.  Not addressed except to say that: keeping taxes low while spending less will eventually grow the economy…  Since lack of jobs is the immediate need, how long does he think it will take to “eventually grow the economy"?

2.       Debt Limit.  Mr. Gibson claims that the “debt ceiling needs to be raised”.  However, he claims the only bill he voted for was the “Cut, Cap and Balance” proposal. Not only was that shear posturing so he and the rest of  the GOP could claim they did something, it like Speaker Boehner’s proposal isn’t consistent with the Ryan Budget, which Congressman Gibson’s also voted for.  The Ryan Budget would be unconstitutional under any of the Balanced Budget Amendment proposals.   In addition the GOP has refused to identify the “cuts”.  Many former GOP leaders have pointed out the craziness of idea. Bill Hoagland, a budget adviser to Republican leaders from 1982 to 2007, called the amendment “a political cheap shot,” while Scott Galupo, a former staffer for Boehner, has called the idea “quite simply, insane.”

Although Mr. Gibson gives lip service to the idea of the increase in the debt ceiling, he is following Speaker Boehner’s and the Tea party mandates right down the line.
3.      Medicare.  Mr. Gibson says in his Register Star that he “concurs “with the protesters concerns.   However the Ryan Budget which he voted for destroys the current Medicare system and substitutes an uncontrolled market based system by which seniors would purchase medical policies.  Under this plan seniors would pay over $ 6,000.00 per year more than they are paying now.  Plus it cuts the amount to be spent on Medicare by $ 500 Billion dollars.
4.      Social Security, he has refused to sign a pledge submitted by local people that he would protect Social Security but has signed the Grover Norquest pledge, which, if followed will destroy Social Security.

5.      Medicaid.  This program which not only helps the poor with their medical care, it is the single biggest supporter of our Nursing Homes.  Without Medicaid – no middle class person could afford Nursing home care.

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Congressman Gibson's Office Post Obama Speech 7 26 2011

Congressman Gibson’s Office
Kinderhook NY
July 26, 2011

Many people from Columbia, Greene and Dutchess County appeared at Congressman Gibson’s Kinderhook Office on Tuesday July 26, following Monday night’s Debt Ceiling address by President Obama and the GOP response by Speaker Boehner.  With signs entitled: “Where are the Jobs”; “Save Social Security”, “Preserve Medicare” the speeches were about the debt ceiling hold up.  “ Hold up” war often used words as the issues of Jobs, Social Security, and Medicare are only being discussed by the GOP and Congressman Gibson in the context of limiting them as a price for allowing past debts to be paid.
 Staff at Mr. Gibson’s office was polite, engaging and listed objections and gave reasoned responses. The crowds were also polite, courteous and civil.  The only disturbance was a Tea Party lady who yelled something unintelligible about Obama care and then engaged some saying she didn’t request but got Medicare but didn’t need it.
Photos of the event are below:


Monday, July 25, 2011

American Dream Caravan
On Thursday July 21, 2011 at 1:00PM, during the 90+ heat nearly 75 hardy souls met to deliver a message to Congressman Gibson’s Kinderhook Office.  That message was loud and clear, Preserve:
                              The BIG THREE
-        Senior retirement help            Social Security
-        Senior Health Care                   Medicare
-        Nursing homes                         Medicaid
Mr. Gibson and the Grover Norquest Pledge
It seems that Congressman Gibson has signed the GOP Grover Norquest Pledge, which is interpreted to mean continuing tax credits for Oil Companies, Loopholes for most corporations and even continuing tax breaks that encourage “off shore banking” and moving jobs off shore.  However, the Norquest pledge does not include: increasing senior retirement contributions (Medicare), making nursing homes more expensive (Medicare) or decreasing payment to retirees (Social Security). Why is decreasing a tax credit for Sunoco forbidden, yet decreasing payments to Social Security retirees OK? 
Although, Mr. Gibson signed the Norquest pledge and is following its interpretation to a “T”, he refused to sign a pledge to protect Social Security, requested by two local citizens!
Here are photos from the American Dream rally at Congressman Gibson’s Kinderhook Office:
My favorite poster:

Victor Mendolia addresses the crowd on the need to protect people with disabilities.  Pictured in front of Mr. Mendolia are President and Eleanor Roosevelt. They were great actors! The both spoke,, saying the things that were said in the 1930s under similar circumstances. Victor’s address on the needs of HIV/AIDS victims was particularly relevant to the GOP spending cuts.

Supervisor Hughes from Hudson, also emphasized the need for persons with disabilities. Please note the posters in the background.

Other photos, including Stockport's Carl Roby, speaking as a retired union leader.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

American Dream Movement
Tomorrow, Thursday, July 21st at Congressman Gibson’s* Office in Kinderhook, there will be a gathering of people desiring to:

 Democracy begins when YOU show up! 

Please join us to petition Congressman Gibson to help us rebuild the “American Dream.”

Over the past weekend thousands of people including over 50 people thru out Columbia County and the nation met to discuss what makes the “American Dream” and how to make it happen. More information about the American Dream Movement may be found at my blog at

Below are the ideas generated by a small group in Stuyvesant Falls:

Good Jobs Now
               1. Move toward a Clean, Green, Independent Energy Future.
               2. Invest in American’s Future.
               3. End the Huge Waste of the Wars and invest the Money in Peace-Building.
Strong Communities

1.      Medicare for All
2.      Substantially Reduce Military Spending
3.      Protect Women’s Rights and Health

We All Pay Our Share
1.      Return to Fairer Tax Rates
2.      Tax Speculation at Least as Much as Perspiration
3.      Robin Hood Tax: Tax Wall Street Speculation

Working Democracy
1.      Eliminate Corporate Personhood
2.      Reinstate Common Sense Rules of the Road for Wall Street
3.      Stop the Assault on Unions and Worker’s Rights

So far as immediate action, we decided to join the Statewide Caravan to Restore the American Promise by attending the Thursday’s meeting at Congressman Gibson’s Office in Kinderhook at 1:00 PM. I suggest we create and carry signs saying: 
Save Social Security

 Congressman Gibson’s positions;
He has signed the Grover Norquest Pledge to oppose any and all deductions, credits unless matched by spending cuts.  Grover Norquest and the GOP have interpreted that to mean no changes in credits to Oil or GE.  However, cuts to people-welfare ideas like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are not considered changes in credits.  In addition, local people have requested that Mr. Gibson sign a pledge to preserve Social Security and he has refused to do so.

The American Dream and Congressman Gibson

American Dream Movement
Tomorrow, at
1:00 PM,
Thursday, July 21st
at Congressman Gibson’s Office in Kinderhook,
there will be a gathering of people desiring to:

 Democracy begins when YOU show up! 

Please join us to petition Congressman Gibson to help us rebuild the “American Dream.”

The following chart shows how the increased productivity of theAmericanWorker has not been shared with those same workers, but in fact has decreased.

Over the past weekend thousands of people including over 50 people throughtout Columbia County joined 20,000 others in the nation met and discuss what makes the “American Dream” and how to bring it back.  One of the things is to petition our Congress.

 More information about the American Dream Movement may be found at my blog at

Below are the ideas generated by a small group in Stuyvesant Falls:

Good Jobs Now
               1. Move toward a Clean, Green, Independent Energy Future.
               2. Invest in American’s Future.
               3. End the Huge Waste of the Wars and invest the Money in Peace-Building.
Strong Communities

1.      Medicare for All
2.      Substantially Reduce Military Spending
3.      Protect Women’s Rights and Health

We All Pay Our Share
1.      Return to Fairer Tax Rates
2.      Tax Speculation at Least as Much as Perspiration
3.      Robin Hood Tax: Tax Wall Street Speculation

Working Democracy
1.      Eliminate Corporate Personhood
2.      Reinstate Common Sense Rules of the Road for Wall Street
3.      Stop the Assault on Unions and Worker’s Rights

So far as immediate action, we decided to join the Statewide Caravan to Restore the American Promise by attending the Thursday’s meeting at Congressman Gibson’s Office in Kinderhook at 1:00 PM. Signs will be available. 

Save Social Security

Friday, July 8, 2011

Invitation to an American Dream Meeting

The American Dream Meeting
You are invited to attend an American Dream meeting.  American Dream meetings are being sponsored by the many organizations listed below.  This one is hosted by MoveOn.Org member Bob Bisson and I am helping him.
This is for many of us who are alarmed at the growing threats against the American Dream.  These threats are evidenced by anti-Medicare, anti education, anti workers benefits and general intolerance for many people in our society.  MoveOn.Org is one of several sponsoring agencies attempting to bring back the American Dream.  A fuller explanation is attached and a great deal more information is available at the website:
The basic idea is to first define and then work toward the American Dream.  This is not a small task as it is against the current media/political driven sentiment of anti-teacher, anti union, anti worker’s benefits and to combat the growth of corporate power, wealth and even corporate citizenship. This is not a small task, but neither is it impossible.  It just needs the participation of a few good people.  So far 11,000 people at 1200 homes have signed up to participate.
The MoveOn.Org statement states:
We'll use the agenda to push Congress to make the American Dream a reality for all of us, not just corporations and the rich.

Other and more local related issues may be considered.

The meeting will be held at:
Home of:
Robert Bisson,
735 Rte 25,
Stuyvesant NY.

If you know of someone else who might be interested in attending this meeting please call or E-mail either.

Bob Bisson
518 799-3230


Doug McGivney
518 755 6994

Alarm - Social Security Now on Chopping Block

Mr. President, Please say it isn’t so.

On page 4 of today’s Albany Times Union is a story entitled: A third rail at issue
WASHINGTON -- Once considered untouchable, Social Security is now in play in the debt-ceiling negotiations. And that could mean higher income taxes for many U.S. families in addition to shaved benefits for tens of millions of retirees as they age.
Social Security became part of the private discussions between President Barack Obama and Republican House Speaker John Boehner on coming up with "something big" to reduce deficits by $2 trillion to $4 trillion over the next decade. One option includes a new inflation measure for Social Security that could produce savings close to $200 billion through a combination of reduced benefits and higher taxes, White House officials said Thursday. Low- and middle-income families could be hit.


This is alarming.  Although this is an AP article, it is hard to find in regular media and certainly not in the Hudson Register Star.
It is really a double whammy as part of the debt of the USA is to its Seniors who have paid into a “trust fund”.  That money is actually loaned to the USA and so Seniors and all who have paid into it are creditors of the USA.  By reducing benefits, the overall long term debt is decreased – so it is easier to pay subsidies to Oil Companies and allow high income earners to escape paying what the rest of us pay in taxes.
Neither Social Security nor Medicare are part of the so called spending problem as both have the benefit of payroll taxes and are considered “funded”.  Neither SS nor Medicare are in dire straits and funding problems for these programs are only a problem years in the future.  Even that problem is and has customarily been an easy fix - by increasing the applicability of the payroll tax to higher income earners.  This has been done many times before.
The above wrecking of a traditional safety net for the older and disabled Americans makes all the more urgent the success of the American Dream Movement.
Please consider attending the local American Dream meeting on July 16th at Bob Bisson’s home in Stuyvesant Falls.  Information concerning the meeting is on my blog, as are other related subjects, at:

Thursday, July 7, 2011

GOP and the Deficit/National Debt

The GOP is refusing to pay the debt the GOP incurred!  
Attached is a chart showing the growth of the National Debt. The debt doubled while George W. Bush was President. As can be seen it went from $ 5.7 Trillion to $ 11.9 Trillion.

*09/30/2010 13,561,623,030,891.79* (See end notes)
09/30/2009  11,909,829,003,511.75
09/30/2008  10,024,724,896,912.49
09/30/2007  9,007,653,372,262.48
09/30/2006  8,506,973,899,215.23
09/30/2005  7,932,709,661,723.50
09/30/2004  7,379,052,696,330.32
09/30/2003  6,783,231,062,743.62
09/30/2002  6,228,235,965,597.16
09/30/2001  5,807,463,412,200.06
09/30/2000  5,674,178,209,886.86
      From Wikipedia

The current argument over “raising the debt ceiling” is to pay for debts already incurred and is not an authorization to spend more.  The spending determinations were made in the past. Most of the determinations were made during the Bush administration.  However, the Tea Party GOP is refusing to pay current debt unless future spending on Medicare and other beneficial programs are reduced or in the case of Medicare – eliminated.  

Although it seems illogical, the republicans, including our own Congressman, are against reducing subsidies for Oil Companies because the GOP views these reductions as tax increases.  The fact that Seniors will have to pay more than $ 6,000.00 more per year for a Medicare-substitue is not considered by the GOP as tax increases. Logically, how can that be?

The meaness of the above position is the culmination of a right wing swing in our government traced to the election of President Reagan.  Please look at the attached chart which shows the diminished working class earnings over the recent past.

                            From  (<image003.png>)

What can be done?  Help restore the American Dream. Several organizations including are organizing those who desire to restore the American Dream.  Join the movement.

*         End notes:
1.  President Obama was elected in 2008 and took office in 2009.  However, because of the Federal Fiscal year, the 2009 budget ran from October 2008 to September 2009 and was the work of the Bush administration. President Obama inherited TARP, the Troubled Assets Recovery Program, which had not been budgeted and provided Banks with nearly a Trillion dollars.
2.  Please note that President Bush incurred the first trillion dollar deficits.
3.  When President Bush took office, there was a surplus in the budget and had been for the prior year – so the national debt was decreasing. Tax cuts, mostly for high earners, two wars and unbudgeted programs changed surpluses to deficits.